This is the LWRP/URP version of Fatanstic SSR Water.
Asset Store Link | Youtube Link |
- Three direction realistic waves.
- Support clean and muddy.
- PBR lighting with screen space reflection.
- Realistic refraction.
- Forward SSR, mobile ready.
How to use
First of all, you should install LWRP or URP related packages, assign LightweightRenderPipelineAsset or UniversalRenderPipelineAsset in graphic settings.
Then import my package, folders are listed like this:
ForwardSSRWater_Common contains common resources such as wave textures and skybox.
ForwardSSRWater_LWRP is the version of LWRP, ForwardSSRWater_URP is the version of URP, choose the one you need and delete the other one.
Shader is named like this:
render-pipeline | shader name |
LWRP | BadDog/LWRP/BGWater |
URP | BadDog/URP/BGWater |
To run the shader correctly, each RenderPipelineAsset should toggle Depth Texture and Opaque Texture:
You can also use my RenderPipelineAsset in the Settings folders.
That’s all, check the demo scenes and enjoy it, :)
Shader properties
Wave Section
Two wave maps generate three direction waves. You can adjust each wave’s tiling and offset.
Water Base Color
It’s computed as diffuse color.
Water Muddy and Depth
Water can be clean or muddy. Clean water is more transparent than muddy water.
Water’s transparency is computed by depth.
Depth is computed by muddy scale and camera’s view direciton, you can also add a depth offset to adjust the final transparency.
Specular color is always (0.04, 0.04, 0.04), and you can adjust its intensity as you need.
Refaction needs Opaque Texture enabled.
OpaqueTexture’s uv is distorted by wave normal, and you can adjust the final distort scale.
Unity’s reflection probe is used for IBL, but it’s not enough. If you need a realistic realtime reflection, you can enable screen space reflection. IBL and SSR are mixed for the final enviroment lighting.
SSR Sample Count is performance sensitive. For mobile device, max sample count use 8 and sample step use 20 is good enough.
The final water color is mixed by reflection and refraction.
Orthographic Camera
You should toggle Orthographic Camera if you are using an orthographic camera.
About the examples
There are five example scenes:
- testSSR
- testLighting
- testDepthAndMuddy
- testRoom
- testRoomOrtho
Choose linear space and check them for details.
LWRP demos are tested using unity 2019.1 and unity 2019.2.
URP demos are tested using unity 2019.3.
Customer Support:
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shenpan998@gmail.com | https://fatdogsp.github.io/2020/02/20/My-Assets/ |